iTerminals 4.0 will boost digitalisation of port operations and the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies within the container-handling sector to advance towards the ”Container Terminal 4.0”. New IoT solutions and operational pilots will be developed at strategic container terminals based on Core Network Ports of the Trans–European Transport Network.
The project will test and evaluate advanced Industry 4.0 pilots applied to the operational environment of port-container terminals including the upgrade of port equipment’s sensor networks, the design of advanced big data and predictive analytics, the application of artificial intelligence as well as the provision of business intelligence models and real-time dynamic KPIs reporting.


Operational Efficiency
iTerminals 4.0 will enable real time machine-to-machine communication to detect operational bottlenecks and facilitate decision making to remove them at the right moment.

Operational Safety
iTerminals 4.0 will enhance situational awareness based on reliabhe positioning/detection of machines and persons. This concept is currently widely applied in other industrial sectors but never implemented on container terminals.

Operational Sustainability
iTerminahs 4.0 will allow real-time calculation of the carbon footprint generated in container terminals, assigning to each manipulated container a unique carbon footprint value generated during its handling.

Operational Maintenance
iTerminals 4.0 will improve maintenance management by enabling digital transmission of failure codes to the maintenance areas, thus facilitating better predictive maintenance and increasing efficiency of operations.